

Okay, so you have beautiful angels, darling heart children- that is until they are tired and you had to tell them NO for the four-hundredth time today? Why? Because NO – you cannot eat a battery for breakfast.

We are family photographers and know that children march to the beat of their own drum. Even though it may be your fear and concern that the children wont pose or sit like other kids for a photoshoot – want to know a secret? MOST kids hate having a forced anything – so that’s just it, we don’t force it.

All the beautiful photos are just a moment in time, likely as our photographers are playing peek-a-boo making sneezing or duck noises or dad is giving them little hidden tickles. We have lots of tactics to get a few natural-looking photos for your session and the rest of the time is about the kids having fun and being engaged with you.

Undivided attention and playing games with mum and dad? Yay! Children will forget about the photoshoot – Camera what?

This is how we create beautiful and connected family photos. Your children probably won’t sit still and smile the whole time, but thats okay we are here for it – all of it, from wild giggles to wobbly tears.

In this photoshoot these two cousins were up and down the whole time. We played lots of games which is how we got those fun images in our boho corner. We gave them some toys to show and play with, getting some really cute interactions on our wooden backdrop.  A classic game of peek-a-boo captured their attention for a very short time on our cane egg-chair. 

When the girls just needed a minute to play away from the camera, we took some stunning portraits of mum, shes dressed as a princess for the day already, might as well strut it and get a FIRE new profile picture. 

And at the end of the day, sometimes a very dramatic cry face, after the fact is very funny and a cute memory and one for the 21st birthday party slide show! 

Oh Baby, wow that was a scream, but man your funny when your being dramatic! 

So what happens if the kids are geninely so upset and you just cannot deal for one more minute? 

Every now and then – it happens kids can be unpredictable and overtierd. If bringing a tablet and watching Frozen, yes again, wont calm the tears there are some choices:

We suggest if its possible to have a friend or family member collect them after the shoot so you can have some lunch and view your images in peace. 

This client elected to purchase a small package and return another day to select her photos and upgrade her package.

Or worst case scenario a late notice Reschedule fee is $150 which depending on circumstance can be used as credit when you return. 

Luxury Begins Where Necessity Ends

Luxury must remain invisible, but it must be felt! – Coco Chanel

Yes, your fear may come true, children sometimes act out during a photoshoot. But it is not to worry, we got this!

You will get amazing photos, even and especially when children are not posing for the camera. Ready to book then? Go on, dress like a princess, eat a tasty meal with your partner and it doesn’t matter if the children act just as they are. We can’t wait to meet you!

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